It finally arrived; the first day of Kindergarten! You'll have to pardon my emotions this morning. I am so excited for Jack and his year to come, but the Mommy in me is struggling a bit too. I found myself welling up with tears driving to Jack's school this morning. Suddenly something hit me, how did we get here so fast? It seems like just yesterday I was holding a new baby in my arms and all I could think was, "He's just so perfect." It seemed like we would have forever together before he started school. Like jumping into a pool of freezing cold water, it hit me today that those five years flashed by in the blink of an eye. I know I'll "warm up to the water," and get used it to it, but today it's really hard to imagine my boy is so big. It's yet another reminder in my life to cherish everyday.
On the other side of it, I must admit I am overwhelmed by pride in our family. I remember when Craig and I started talking about having kids. We knew we wanted to have me at home with our kids, but like most families, weren't sure we could do it financially. We took a big leap of faith and prayed we could make it work. What a great feeling this morning to know that we made it. We've made cuts here and there, but we've never been happier to make them. I feel so blessed and fortunate that we could give this to our kids.
We are so happy to have Jack in a school we love so much! I am always amazed at everything they do to "love on" their kids. Today Jack had a picture of his family on his desk in case he missed us. His preschool teacher will be in his room to help the kids transition, and his teacher handed me the most beautiful poem to read on my way home. It is the most comforting feeling to know and trust his school and teachers so much. I know he will love his knew teacher (we already do) and have so much fun in the upcoming year.
Jack surprised me this morning, he's usually always my kid waving me out the door...."see you later Mom!" This morning we got ready to leave and he looked me and said, "I don't want you to leave." Bless his little heart. Moments later he was better, but I think he's got this whole "school" thing figured out now. I'm already anxious to pick him up and hear how the first day went. I'll post soon to let you know. (Thanks for letting me get all those emotions off my chest.)
I surely remember 'that day' for Thomas, as well, and it's HARD on mom & dad! Jack will have a fantastic year and, well, you & Craig will get used to it. I still get teary when my baby boy starts a new grade, and we passed Kindergarten 2 years ago! It will be fun, though, to see him learning and enjoying his new big boy status. So proud of Jack, and of you. Hugs to everybody.
ReplyDelete: ) Aunt Erin
Awww!! What a big boy! I'm glad he had a wonderful day! How awesome that his preschool teacher was there to ease the transition!! And with little sis across the hall in a few days, I'm sure he will do great! :)